Fruit Christmas Desktop Wallpaper is a lovely wallpaper which displays a big fruit in the middle of the screen with a Christmas hat over it. The wallpaper also offers a colorful background with different colors and snowflakes falling. Once the snowflakes reach the bottom of the screen, they remain there for a few seconds and then disappear, and new ones begin to fall. From the system menu, you will be able to pause the snowflakes, quit the program or follow a link to download other similar wallpapers. Sadly, it offers no customization options, so you may get tired of it really soon. It would be great if you could change the background colors or the fruit, customize the size, amount and speed of the snowflakes, among other things that will definitely make it more interesting. Fortunately, this wallpaper is completely free, so you can use it as much as you want.
In short, Fruit Christmas Desktop Wallpaper is a simple but nice wallpaper that can give life to your desktop during this holiday.